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Confusing & completely unreadable JavaScript performance tricks that you will most probably never use,
& some you might...
So who am I?
Some people call me the space cowboy...
Some call me the gangster of love...
Some call me that fluffy guy from Madagascar...
Most however call me Maurice Butler. @butlermaurice Senior Analyst Programmer at Sunsuper
Disclaimer: Most of the items I am going to go through are very situation dependant. Most are only worthwhile inside loops or heavily utilised code (~500,000 ops/sec). Please don't use these all over the place...
If you haven’t already heard of jsPerf, you need to check it out.
From the site:
jsPerf aims to provide an easy way to create and share test cases, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks.
The Unary + (or -) Operator.
The unary + operator can be used to coerce all JavaScript types to a Number.
When used on types other than String, it will call valueOf() or toString() (in that order) and then attempt to convert the result to a Number.
For Example:
                    var string = "123",
                        bool = true,
                        date = new Date(),
                        object1 = {},
                        object2 = {};
                    object1.valueOf = function() {
                        return "456";
                    object2.toString = function() {
                        return "0x315";
                    alert(+string);  // 123
                    alert(+bool);    // 1
                    alert(+date);    // seconds since Unix epoch
                    alert(+object1); // 456
                    alert(+object2); // 789
As you can see from the jsPerf results, the unary operator approach is faster than a parseInt() in some circumstances.
While not exactly readable, depending on your target browsers, situation, etc this may be a valid option.
Bitwise Or and Xor
In some cases the Bitwise Or (|) can be used in place of the Logical Or (||) for an increase in performance. jsPerf
The Bitwise Xor operator (^) compares two bits and returns 1 if they are different or 0 if they are the same.
For Example:
                alert(0^0); // 0
                alert(0^1); // 1
                alert(1^0); // 1
                alert(1^1); // 0
Similar to the Bitwise Or, the Bitwise Xor can out perform Logical Or but you need to keep in mind though Xor is exclusive.
                alert(0^0); // 0
                alert(0^1); // 1
                alert(1^0); // 1
                alert(1^1); // 0

                alert(0||0); // 0
                alert(0||1); // 1
                alert(1||0); // 1
                alert(1||1); // 1
Xor can also be used in a self-assignment, making it great for toggling.
                var x = 0;

                x ^= 1;
                alert(x); // 1

                x ^= 1;
                alert(x); // 0
Complement (~) and Sentinels
The Complement (~) when used as a unary operator, first converts n to an Integer and then performs -(n+1)
For example:
                var x = 123,
                    y = 456.789;

                alert(~x); // -124
                alert(~y); // -457
This provides a nice opportunity when dealing with functions that return sentinel values such as String.indexOf() or jQuery.inArray()
These functions return an index between 0 and N for success and -1 for a failure. This usually requires code to check the return value is >= 0
With our friend the ~ we can remove the need for some characters and gain a tiny little performance boost in Firefox. jsPerf
BONUS: With all of the bitwise operators, any Number is converted to a 32 Integer before the operation takes place. This means that a double tilde can also be used to floor a number. (If its positive).
There are also a couple of other ways to try and optimise flooring as can be seen from the jsPerf Tests.
It should be no surprise that using objects directly rather than their convenience methods would be faster.
One place we can take advantage of this is Array manipulation.
Quite often a loop will be used to push a subset of objects into an Array.
For Example:
                var x = [true, false, true, true, false, false, true],
                    y = [];

                for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
                    if (x[i]) {
In highly optimised code, it can be more beneficial to just directly add the new item to the end of the array. jsPerf
Flags and Bitmasks
Also referred to as Bit Twiddling. Usually used in highly optimised code where memory usage is important. These sorts of practices are common in C++, games programming, etc.
For Example:
                var permissions, 
                    CREATE = 1 << 0,  // 0001
                    READ = 1 << 1,    // 0010
                    UPDATE = 1 << 2,  // 0100
                    DELETE = 1 << 3,  // 1000
                    CRUD = CREATE ^ READ ^ UPDATE ^ DELETE; // 1111

                // Set permissions to full CRUD
                permissions |= CRUD;
                alert(permissions.toString(2)); // 1111

                // Remove DELETE permission
                permissions &= ~DELETE;
                alert(permissions.toString(2)); // 0111

                // Toggle CREATE permissions
                permissions ^= CREATE;
                alert(permissions.toString(2)); // 0110

                permissions ^= CREATE;
                alert(permissions.toString(2)); // 0111

                // Check READ permissions
                if (permissions & READ) // 1 (truthy)
                    alert('Read all the things...');
Not only is this method faster to execute, (jsPerf) but uses much less memory compared to using objects and properties to represent the same information.
Memoization is a technique for caching the results of function calls to avoid additional computation. And is probably the one performance technique from today you might use.
Memoization is however not appropriate if the method's output changes over time, is unlikely to be called again with the same parameters or the computation is actually faster that the added overhead.
There are a lot of Memoization implementations, however Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) has recently done a great write-up on the most performant implementation.
I suggest if you want any further information on Memoization or why this implementation is the fastest check out his blog Faster JavaScript Memoization For Improved Application Performance
                * memoize.js
                * by @philogb and @addyosmani
                * with further optimizations by @mathias
                * and @DmitryBaranovsk
                * perf tests:
                * Released under an MIT license.
                function memoize( fn ) {
                    return function () {
                        var args =,
                            hash = "",
                            i = args.length;
                        currentArg = null;
                        while (i--) {
                            currentArg = args[i];
                            hash += (currentArg === Object(currentArg)) ?
                            JSON.stringify(currentArg) : currentArg;
                            fn.memoize || (fn.memoize = {});
                        return (hash in fn.memoize) ? fn.memoize[hash] :
                        fn.memoize[hash] = fn.apply(this, args);
It should be no surprise Memoizing functionality such as the Fibonacci sequence yields high performance gains. jsPerf
Now for a contrived example!
Putting it all together.
                var GetAirports = function(filter, credentials) {

                    var result = [],
                        i = 0;

                    // Check we are allowed to view airports
                    if (credentials.canViewAirports) {

                        // Check are allowed to search by Id and if an Id was entered
                        if (credentials.canSearchById && parseInt(filter)) {
                            return [airports[filter]];

                        filter = filter.toUpperCase();

                        // Search for the filter anywhere in either the code, name or location properties
                        for (i; i < airports.length; i++) {
                            if (airports[i].code.indexOf(filter) >= 0 || 
                                airports[i].name.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0 || 
                                airports[i].location.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0) {

                                // Add matches to the result

                        return result;
Incremental implementation of bitwise changes. jsPerf.
And now with memoization. jsPerf.
@butlermaurice Senior Analyst Programmer at Sunsuper
An impress.js powered presentation by Maurice Butler
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